Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'm Tired.

I'm tired. I hate living out of my car. I am sick of fast food. I don't like eating dinner at 9:45pm. I hate having to schedule a shower. I miss naps. I haven't relaxed in.....a long while. I am rarely doing only one thing at a time.

Why do I do this? Why am I so crazily busy? Because I have so much love and passion for my ultimate goal: youth ministry. There are so many moments when it is all worth it. When 8 high school kids beg me to plan a lock-in at church on Halloween. When kids that didn't talk to each other 1 year ago today, are texting each other at school and hanging out at each others' houses. Getting hugs from middle schoolers. A high school boy can't leave church without me giving him a high-5. Kids begging their parents to let them come to church. The loving words from the Senior Pastor that he is proud of me. Parents telling me their appreciation. Their laughter. My name being screamed across the room because kids from camp that I haven't seen for 3 months are excited to see me. Kids memorizing lines for worship. Their awesome praise songs. Hugs. Excitement. Passion. Friendship. Service. Love. That is why I do what I do.

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