Thursday, October 1, 2009

Small Lights Big Impact

This past summer, I counseled at the first "Created to Be Me" Sexuality and Spirituality 8ers camp for the KC Metro area. It was awesome. I wasn't sure how it would go down, and how I would be talking about body parts everyday, but it was an amazing week. There were ups and downs, but it was a memorable experience and again reminded me with neon signs why I am in ministry. It makes my heart smile:)

This week I *actually* got the mail, and there was a letter from Richard and Linda Goddard, the directors and founders of Cler Ministries. Inside were all of the letters that the campers had written. All were anonymous unless they wrote something in their letter specifying which one they were. I was laughing through sentimental tears while reading. I was shocked at what some of the kids had to say. Two revealed that they had already lost their virginity and now they regretted it.

It is amazing to me what impact a few pieces of paper have on me. The words of some teenagers and how they felt about this one week in an adventurous summer made my heart melt. I love it. I love how reading that letter made me feel. I love remembering all of the funny memories and amazing friends. I can't believe that I would ever question my abilities, purpose and love for this world. My hope is that everyone receives these small lights that brighten your day. They come when you least expect it and most need it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Feeling the Spirit

Inspired by a fellow seminarian(is that a word?) and friend from camp, I have a favorite story of 'feeling the spirit' if you will. I was a sophomore in college and had recently lost my 'grandma.' It is in quotes because she was not biologically linked to me at all, but she was my mom's best friend our families always spent a lot of time together. Shirley and Phil would come over at least once a week while they were out running errands, we had meals together at least weekly, always sat together at church, spent holidays together, and had many traditions together. It was the worst death I had experienced at that time. It still upsets me that she will not physically be there for my wedding, picking out my dress with me, planning, birth of my children, etc.

She passed away in the end of September. I had come home for Thanksgiving, and seen my 'grandpa' and how lonely he was. It was exceptionally harder to leave my family after the long weekend. I loved my life at school (not necessarily the classes...) and once I was there, I was never homesick, but leaving after this difficult death right before Christmas was a little more difficult. I remember thinking, praying and saying that I just want some kind of sign that she was still with me. I wanted to know that she was okay(duh-she's in heaven, she's fine-but I just needed a little reassurance). I was driving back to Kirksville and was reaching a point where I was no longer able to get Kansas City radio stations and transitioning to Northeast MO stations. It was dark, raining I think, and the road was curvy and under construction. Not good conditions when I am now crying because I missed Shirley.

I stopped crying and listened to the radio and there was a song playing--a guy--that I had never heard before. The words were something along the lines of "I'll always be there, no matter what I'll always be there". No joke. I cried even more, but had a sense of peace and reassurance that I can't quite explain in words. As soon as I got to school (well, probably after a meeting that I was going to), I looked on any and every lyric website I could find. I looked up different people it sounded like, googled the lyrics, etc all night long. I couldn't find anything. I couldnt' find anything similar that a man sung on a 'pop/contemporary' station.

All I can say is that I do still talk to her, I feel her presence and am reassured that she is in a better place. I know that she will be there for the major occasions in my life, and I love that I had a spiritual moment that spoke to me. It was over 6 years ago, but I can still feel the peace that I felt that day and have shared it with others. It has also made me more aware for other moments in my life. Thank you Shirley, I love and miss you always.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Poor Me, Poor Me

Occasionally I get in a rut of thinking poor me, poor me. Yes, there have been things in my life, as short as it has been, that are fairly rare. Extreme sicknesses, deaths, unavoidable and huge expenses, and things that just plain suck. During college I was not only on my own for everything, but was privileged enough to bear some burdens for my parents. You have to picture my sarcastic self saying that "privileged" part. I try not to dwell on these things, but every once in a while I get upset when they effect my current life and goals negatively in so many ways. This particular week it is because my car has an almost permanent "check engine" light on (yes, I have gotten it fixed many times, but within hours of leaving the mechanic it is back on), and currently my oil light is now flashing and beeping at me. I am not a fan of thing beeping at me in the car.

Then I take a step back. Look at the big picture. I am and have always been, very good with money. I have a job--actually 2 jobs. I have a car. I have food in my refrigerator and a heater and a/c when necessary. I have a family that loves me. I have friends of all kinds that are there for me. I have a career path in which I am very excited, and even though it will take me a long time to get there, I believe it will be worth it in the end. Gratefulness. It's funny how it takes crying over a flashing oil light and check engine light in the car to realize how blessed I am. In today's unsteady economy and crazy layoffs, it is easy to dwell on the negative and get in a bad mood over the constant negative tone on the news. It is easy to forget about the things that are going well and to that make you happy. I am so incredibly grateful for my friends across the world. I am grateful for my family. I am extremely grateful for my job, especially since it is better than my last one:) I am grateful for the education that I am actually excited about. I am grateful for all that I have and for what will come:)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Back in the Saddle

I have several blogs that I follow, whether they know it or not, and I really wanted to do the same. Not that I am very interesting or have an exciting life, but to reflect on my time with the kids in my youth group, directing and counseling at church camp and seminary experiences. I dropped off posting because last fall was so extremely stressful and busy. I will do a little catch-up and then hopefully begin anew:)

Last fall, not long after my last post:

-Breakdown when I had problems writing my final papers for seminary
-The company I work for during the day announces a 'workforce reduction.'
-I decide to take the voluntary separation from my day job (that I hate, btw)
-I start applying for jobs right away and fairly consistently
-New Years
-I go into a "Twilight Coma" and read all 4 books. It was awesome, but couldn't do anything BUT read them.
-No job in January:(
-I finally get some interviews in February!
-By the end of February I got the call of a job offe! Hooray! I was so excited!
-March 2 I started as a Global Services Transaction Processor at State Street! Wahoo!

That about covers things... Now I will try to keep up on the more fun stuff:)